So many topics influence Ripple Effect Journeys.
- Destinations
- Women’s empowerment
- Sustainable tourism
- Education
- Partners for change
- Poverty reduction
- Social justice
- Philanthropy
- Travel with meaning
- Fair trade
- Learning service
Here is a collection of resources that inspires
Ripple Effect Journeys.
Are there others you’d like to suggest? If so, please send your suggestions to
Partners for Change
Peruvian Hearts and Ripple Effect Journeys will be partners for change in March 2018. Ana, Dodson, Peruvian Hearts founder, addressed The International Literacy Association, in 2016. Her speech talks about what led her to create Peruvian Hearts (a trip coordinated by Adoptive Family Travel) and how the education of girls impacts everyone. /wOk80NpSvgA
Fair Trade
Ripple Effect Journeys-Peru travelers will visit the Center for Traditional Textiles in Cusco, Peru. The center provides opportunities and support for weavers. The ability to sell their work on a larger scale increases family income and improves quality of life. Many of the weavers in these communities are women. Women who are talented weavers and successful entrepreneurs.